So.... This is the last seveal ten minutes of my Christmas Holiday.
I guess this is the first Christmas Holiday that I don't need to prepare for a near exam
but still, we all need to prepare for an exam which will start not longer than 3 months from now.
And for the sake of this, I think this was the most "busy" Christmas I ever have... If the term "busy" depends on school-related work.
Why I say so - because I did 5 years of pastpaper which I think is quite a lot (for me, at least..)
One year of them can spend you a whole day... This is not I expected actually.
"Whole day", I mean from 8:00am to about 9:00 p.m.
First, the paper itself has 6 hours time limit, so you spend at least 6 hours.
Second, because this time limit is not set, you use more time to think about difficult questions.
Then, you also need to mark it yourself. This spends much more time then I expected, because I also need to think for a long time usually because I do not understand the model answer.
After that I also need to jot notes down. Both on what I learnt and what are the questions left.
And finally I need to rearrange the notes and organise them, some of them to a document I saved on my computer; some of them to the notes (notes - I mean those "textbooks" here.)
Moreover I need to ask teachers about the questions and new notes will be made...
Nevertheless, I did it this way for 2.5 years only. The remaining 2.5 years I skipped all "blue pen" jobs and do part of the "red pen" jobs only.
(That is, I do the paper in my mind only, and look at the marking scheme. I only jot notes and questions.)
This saved more than half of the time.
Frankly.... I only finished 4.5 years.
The remaining 0.5 years (2006' Chemistry Paper 2) I was not able to finish...... Because I spend a lot of time playing today XD"
I found it is very easy to play Sora no Kiseki Stealthily... Without letting my mum or dad know.
So I actually finished FC today....^^" (Which I planned to play it again after ALE....)
Nevertheless.... This is one of the most meaningful holiday I ever had,
I did a satisfactory amount of school(exam) related work,
I physically meet Akari and went to his home,
I went to Arick's home and had a great afternoon and night,
I know new friends via Arick, Terry and Akari,
I had enough spirital flourishing via playing Sora no Kiseki......
To conclude, I am charged up during this holiday.
Challenges are coming...
It's really time to run.